Only Mustapha and Mess are able to make it out of the laboratory as it is destroyed. As the laboratory starts exploding, the heroes run for their lives, but Hannah falls down while running and Jack stops to help her. By now, the transforming serum's effect reaches its peak, and Fessenden transforms into a three-headed creature, but the heroes manage to defeat him.Ĭrippled by his defeat, Fessenden sets the whole complex to self-destruct.

Seeing the team, he transforms himself into a Morgue-like creature, but is beaten. Deep down is a bio-lab, and below it is a cave, which finally leads to Fessenden's lab. The heroes head towards the bunker, going through the library and the computer lab, where the doctor appears on the computer screen, calling himself the creator of a new world. The team heads towards his underground hideout, which again is somewhere in the "City in the Sea". Simon Fessenden is the mastermind behind all that is happening. With all the leads and hints, Jack has now realized that Dr. They eventually reach a place where they fight a tentacled creature called Tyrog that attaches itself to the bodies of the gangsters as a monstrous dinosaur-human hybrid. Proceeding ahead, the heroes reach the coal mine and another jungle, where they face a dinosaur trying to stomp them. By now, they have come to know that some doctor is trying to create new lifeforms. During the fight, Morgan talks about the powers of "doctor" transforms himself into a dinosaur-like creature called Morgue. Going ahead further, they meet the old villager again as he tells about the whole network and as soon as he is about to reveal the name of the person behind all of it, he is shot dead by Morgan, who attacks the group as well. In response to the call, the heroes reach the village where they notice dinosaurs violently attacking the people and that the village has been set on fire by someone. This is when they receive a message from an old villager who tells them about the weird behavior of the dinosaurs and asks for help. They go there and clear out the garage from the gangsters, eventually confronting and defeating their leader Slice and regaining control of their garage.

After defeating Hogg, Jack realizes that the gangsters have taken over his garage. Proceeding with the mission, the heroes go through the desert of death, where they use their car to travel safely, but then the car is chased by Hogg on his cruiser motorcycle. Meanwhile, another big name in the hunting network, Hogg, realizes that Jack is busy in the swamp forest and decides to take over Jack's Garage. Following the information, they go through the swamp forest where they find a lot of dead dinosaurs before reaching and defeating the Butcher. After being beaten, Vice tells them about Butcher, who had been hunting in the northern woods. As they reach the top of a building they fight Vice Terhune. The protagonists journey to the "City in the Sea" where they suspect the whole hunting network being operating from. Four heroes: mechanic and shaman Jack Tenrec, diplomat and explorer by profession Hannah Dundee, friend and engineer Mustapha Cairo, and mysterious Mess O'Bradovich, have decided to team up against the Black Marketeers. The continuous hunting process has made the dinosaurs violent and now they have started attacking villages and people. The story begins in the 26th century, when an ensemble gang called the Black Marketeers begin hunting the dinosaurs to serve their unknown purpose. Unless the game is continued within a countdown of 20 seconds, the baddie fires his gun, leading to a game over. When the player loses along the way, one of the big baddies holds a gun point-blank to the losing player's face in a first-person view, taunting the player with sayings such as "Eat lead, baby!". Players can also find and use various firearms, throwing weapons such as rocks and explosives, and melee weapons such as clubs. Each character has two special moves including one that depletes a character's health upon contact with an enemy and when two or more players play together, they can trigger a team-attack. The players have access to several attacks. The game's titular dinosaurs make appearances as neutral characters that may attack both player characters and enemies. There are four playable characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses: Jack (balanced type), Hannah (skill type), Mustapha (speed type), and Mess (power type).

Up to three players can play at once, guiding their selected characters through eight stages, battling various enemies and bosses.