We can’t wait to see what Diana and the Amazons bring us in Wonder Woman 2! Until then, we’ll just be re-watching the badass Amazons do their thing in the first Wonder Woman! blockbusters to premiere on HBO Max on the same day as their theatrical release. In the featurette above and just about any interview you can find with any of the cast or crew of Wonder Woman, you’ll hear about how the women on the film supported one another and how the set became a bit of a little community while they were filming. That camaraderie is evident onscreen, and made Themyscira almost feel like it was a real place. Wonder Woman: 1984 is the first of many major Warner Bros. In their four months of Themysciran boot camp, the women didn’t just become stronger, they also bonded together as a team. Stream Now Buy Wonder Woman for 12.99 (HD) Stream Now Subscription (UHD) - 14.95 Per Month Stream Now Watch Wonder Woman Trailer Movies similar to Wonder Woman you might like The. Wonder Woman Left Themyscira, But Cannot Return As her mother, Queen Hippolyta ( played by Gladiator star Connie Nielsen ), tells her when Diana is about to take a boat to the world of men.